
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Purple Plain- a new franken

  I started with a base of Billie Cosmetic's Purple Rain....a bright fuchsia  it is nowhere near purple, but by adding Claire's Matte Blue it became a lovely neon purple. I'll dig through my stash and see what I can compare this franken to. In the mean time I am delighted with how this franken turned out.

I painted my ring nails with the original polish, I think these two colours look awesome together.

Here is Billie Cosmetics Purple Rain used in a previous manicure..... I cant believe I don't have a single plain photo of this polish.... and I cant believe this is labeled as purple, when it is clearly fuchsia..... I should re-name it Fuchsia Rain lol

 below without top coat, this franken has a pearl finish.

Those brush strokes disappear with TC, and better application (not speed-polish like I did today)

I love the way this bottle looks, with the polish not totally mixed in - Isn't that cool?

.... and an indoor fluorescent lighting shot, these types of bright pinks rarely photograph accurately with my camera, so I try to take sunshine pic's

.. and one more photo


Unknown said...

That's gorgeous!! I prefer the purple to the fuchsia. The sparkle in the last photo really sold it :)

Paulina said...

Love the color. Very cool franken!

Ami said...

I love these colors!

Lila Castro said...

Love the color combo.


Julie said...

Wow, I love the colours of both of these!

Jennius - Gold Speck Nails said...

That purple is crazy pretty!

Anonymous said...

what nice color i like purple color.
nail salon newcastle