It doesn't fudge my computer up, but the images are different sizes and it looks odd when it changes. I'd recommend making sure the images are the same size. :P
♥ Skulda - Thanks, when I cropped the photo i was looking at the actual nail, not the actual photo size. You are very computer smart and have helped me out with these types of things = = Thank you!!!!!
♥ Danielle - Thanks! It was easy to do and I was suprised that it did it's thing on the blog list reading thing.
...........Now, all I have to do is figure out how to make the two ( or 3 ) photos the same size..... Thanks everybody♥♥♥♥
Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!
Nope, this doesn't fudge up my comp! It looks super cute, btw!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't fudge my computer up, but the images are different sizes and it looks odd when it changes. I'd recommend making sure the images are the same size. :P
ReplyDeletesuper cool! works fine on my computer. I was looking though my blog lists and thought my eyes were screwing with me at first!
♥ Sarah - Thanks it was easy to do!
♥ Skulda - Thanks, when I cropped the photo i was looking at the actual nail, not the actual photo size. You are very computer smart and have helped me out with these types of things = = Thank you!!!!!
♥ Danielle - Thanks! It was easy to do and I was suprised that it did it's thing on the blog list reading thing.
...........Now, all I have to do is figure out how to make the two ( or 3 ) photos the same size..... Thanks everybody♥♥♥♥