
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Midie Metallic Purple with some nail art

 Hello - I miss blogging, writing about my nails and reading about all the fabulous nail polish and related nail art that everyone all over the world is doing......I sometimes wonder what happens to bloggers who disappear - many of them have a little write up about whats going on in their lives and why they are on a break and stuff - my problem is that I get on the computer and start reading everyone Else's blogs, looking at pinterest and other sites, then run out of time to post and write about my own stuff. It takes me longer to add/edit photos, do a little write up and post an entry than it does to actually do my nails.

so ~ I'm still alive, I'm still here = reading, lurking, jealous of those American girls and their easy andin-expensive access to awesome drugstore polish..... and still painting my artificial nails. In the new year I set out to appreciate my time more, do more crafts and sewing etc, but I find that I have no will-power when it comes to the Internet - I have so many interests and so many things I like to learn..... but instead of DOING I am WATCHING.... and that is a big problem that needs some serious self discipline

Any-hoo; here is today's Mani - I started with 2 coats of an exceptionally pretty metallic, dark purple polish that I found at a dollar store in WPG. from Midie Cosmetics. I added some cute nail art stars to my ring nails by applying a coat of Top Coat then affixing the stars in a diagonal pattern, along with a few dots of Sinful Colors I Love You, then finished it off with another thick coat of TC.

If this looks vaguely familiar it was inspired by this beautiful manicure from NailsyMo

 stuff I used

 this is a well priced and fast drying top coat  - I have been looking for this one for a while

I used a coat of  Pro-FX top coat that I found miraculously un-violated at Walmart. I had been looking for a bottle of this un-opened and unused for a few months, I don't understand why people mess up  products in the store. This must be pretty popular because the shelves were empty of it - or there was only one left that had dried crusty polish all over it. = yuck

I added 1 coat of TC then quickly affixed the nail art decorations to my ring nails.....

 when I spotted these in the Dollar store I didn't realize that some of these vials had two sizes of each shape = BONUS!


on my ring nail ~ Icing Sandy Beach

Midie Polishes from the dollar store and more in Wpg.
 light. blue, hot pink, dark blue & purple metallic polishes from Midie cosmetic's

metallic purple @2 coats....


  1. So adorable! I will have to hunt for that art TC for sure ~

  2. Love the manicure! Really cute with the stars added. I need to try something similar in the near future.

    And nails and blogging aren't everything in the world. I hope you find time to do other things as well, but still manages to stop by your blog now and then. I, and I guess many others with me, will still be here.

    Take care!

  3. I get so happy when I see a post from you! Your blog is the reason I got so into nail polishes again!:)

  4. Great to see you back! I totally agree, it takes me three times the amount of time to edit pictures and do a blog post then my actual manicure. It gets hard to keep up.

  5. It's nice to see you back, Dee. I haven't had alot of time to blog or even paint my nails, and just yesterday I took interest in a couple of new crafts, so ITA.


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!