
Friday, April 13, 2012

Electric Zebra

 Except for the fine cracks in the black Kiss nail art pen, this turned out pretty awesome. I used Sinful Colors Unicorn and Sinful Colors Innocent, sponged on and graduated, then drew the zebra stripes with the fine tipped Kiss nail art pen. When I added TC, the Kiss nail art pen displayed fine cracks..... I wasn't expecting that. So I did what I always do when things don't turn out as expected...... I added Love My Nails Dazzling = Is there anything it can't fix?

Love my Nails Dazzling = I can't quit you

 above and below, I brushed on, then sponged Sinful Colors Unicorn, and Sinful Colors Innocent

 after sponging, my nails looked like the surface of the moon.....

 stuff i used Sinful Colors Unicorn & Innocent, Kiss nail art pen and Nailene TC

there is soooooooooo many ways to draw zebra/tiger stripes

Kiss nail art pen - I really like this even with the fine cracks

Sinful Colors Innocent

here is after I drew on the stripes


 with top coat ( 3 different kinds and clear ) the Kiss nail art pen had fine cracks = weird

Love my Nails Dazzling has to be my favorite way to fix any polish related snafu



  1. I love that you did your zebra stripes free hand!

  2. My KISS pen does that too! It totally ruined my Stormtrooper mani I did a few days ago :( But I love your free hand stripes!

  3. This is awesome, and you did it by hand!!! The sponging is so pretty!


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!