
Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Ain't Missing You Franken

Here is a new franken I made with NYC East Village and a plain white creme.... this is paired with another franken that is made with the same polish's, just different quantities.

These are both cremes with subtle shimmer. The darker franken needs 2 coats for full coverage, while the lighter franken needs 3 or more..... it is sheer but they both dried fast because both polish's that I used to make these have a great fast drying formula.

I used my nifty pattern scissors to make this scalloped design, I cut them out of mailing labels

see the gooey bits left over.... that's because it is very humid inside right now.

with a coat of TC

with Is This Love franken

with I Ain't Missing You franken

I made these two frankens with NYC East Village and Billie French White
above |L-R NYC East Village, Billie White, I Ain't Missing You and Is This Love Franken

♥ close-up ♥

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Holding Hands on an Escalator franken

I used NYC East Village, With NYC West Village and a sparkly silver micro-glitter with blue iridescent flecks from Icing. So basically, this is my franken East/West Village  with some sparkly shimmer/micro-glitter thrown in. It is a little too sheer for me ~ here I have added 3 coats and there is still alot of bare spots. I find that the formula on NYC In a New Your Minute polish's do dry very fast. It's my favirote brand of department store polish!

I'm calling this one Holding Hands on an Escalator, because I don't want to get sued. I still have 4 more frankens to show from my 80's hair metal power ballads........... stay tuned!

Below is my Franken from the other day made with NYC East Village and a white creme. I named this one Is This Love, and I wore it for two whole days..... 3 coats without TC

I added the shimmery blue polish diagonally across my nail, at 3 coats there is still some bare areas and I should have added another coat. BUT -  I am lazy so I just added a coat of TC and called it a day.

Polish's I used for this franken East Village, West Village, and Icing Starry Eyes. Icing Starry eyes came in a mini 5 set from Icing by Claire's Stores. I have some photos of it floating round on my Picasa somewhere....

Gabrielle from The Edge of Sanity who thank goodness is posting again, has done some great swatches of these no-name icings HERE.

.... and a few more photos

With my Franken Holding Hands on an Escalator

With NYC East Village

With Billie French White

Monday, March 28, 2011

Franken - Is This Love

Franken 'Is This Love', 3 coats without TC

For this franken I used a very opaque white creme, Billie French White with NYC East Village. The shimmer from NYC East Village is still very apparent, it turned into a bright noticeable teal/blue. I am very happy with this franken, the formula is lovely and dries fast for me. NYC and Billie polish's are my two of most reliable brands.

I used NYC East Village, a white creme from Billie Cosmetic's...... and my franken 'Is This Love'

with NYC East Village


indoor fluorescent


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mani Stretch with another shimmery franken

I really did not want to take my previous mani off, so I added french tips with a shimmery franken I also made with NYC East Village and an older Wet n' Wild Rock Solid polish called Pink Sapphire, which is a sheer buff shade with multi-coloured shimmer bits. I thought there would be more of a contrast between these two polish's, but they are a very similar shade.

My base polish that I posted earlier today, that I  called 'Welcome to the Jungle' is a grayed-out teal that I made with NYC East Village ( a sheer shimmery teal that needs 5 or more coats to be opaque ) and white and black...... I painted on the shimmery franken straight from the brush, I know I have brand new tip guides around here somewhere but cannot find them at the moment.



Plug Yourself Sunday and a new Franken; Welcome to the Jungle

Franken Welcome to the Jungle - 2 coats No Top Coat

AHHHHHH! This turned out exactly as planned.  A Blue/Grey polish with teal shimmer. So its Grey, but not boring because the teal shimmer is very evident. I made this with NYC East Village, and a black creme and a white creme ( or Grey - whatever) The sun is not up yet, but here are a few indoor fluorescent photos without top coat.

I plan on adding something more to this and will update.... eventually.

Meanwhile please add your nail blog to my comments, I spent so much time reading and finding new blogs last week I barley added my own posts! I know it's sappy and cheesy but I am so thankful that a medium like this exists - I spend hours and hours a week reading nail/beauty blogs....

the polish i used - NYC East Village

and a comparison of some similar colours of the first franken I wore from my 80's metal power Ballad's Collection of Franken-polish.

I love the colour of Sally Hansen Teal Take-off on my ring nail, but is is so thick and needs to be applied with lightning speed. Normally I appreciate that, but this dries so fast that it sometimes makes application difficult. My franken is close in colour but much more shimmery.

Index - 3 coats of NYC Empire State Blue
Middle - Franken Dude Looks Like a Lady 2 thick coats w/TC
Ring - Sally Hansen Teal Takeoff 2 coats
Pinky - Franken Dude Looks Like a Lady 3 coats w/TC

NYC Empire State Blue, Franken, Sally Hansen Teal Take-off

Below- L-R Teal Take-off, Franken, NYC Empire State Blue

indoor fluorescent

Thumb - 2 coats of NYC West Village with 1 coat of East Village ( I looooove this )
Index - 3 coats of NYC Empire State Blue
Middle - Franken Dude Looks Like a Lady 2 thick coats w/TC
Ring - Sally Hansen Teal Takeoff 2 coats
Pinky - Franken Dude Looks Like a Lady 3 coats w/TC


Friday, March 25, 2011

East/ West Village Franken

NYC EAST Village and NYC WEST Village - a 50/50 ratio made this lovely franken. This is 4 thin coats, with my MIDDLE nail at 2 thick coats, which resulted in some bubbles. Wish I could get some sunshine pics of this = will do comparisons tomorrow.

Also - I think Blogger reset everyone's blog so that you have to verify you are human, and not a spam robot from the future. When I went to comment on blogs that did not previously have this the verify catchpa thing came up, including on my blog = = =booooo! those things annoying, but necessary to stop spam.

 NYC West Village & NYC East Village made this lovely franken 

 I am naming this polish 'Dude Looks Like a Lady' for the anonymous e-mailer who thinks I am a dude. I actually think that early 90's hair metal ballads will be the name of this collection of frankens (see my post from yesterday ). So i will have plenty of cool names. - its actually kinda hard to come up with names for my frankens - so 90's glam rock/hair metal it is! ( those are the same things, right? )

I will do comparison to other peacock-like colours tomorrow. This polish is just a straight up dark blue with teal shimmer, there is no purple or gold in here - it is very pretty and I actually wanted to purchase a polish just like this. it still needs 3 to 4 thin coats but dries FAST!!!!!

- the stickers come off very easy on these -

Here is the post on NYC EAST Village, it is a very sheer teal shimmer that needs 5 or more coats to opacity.

And HERE is the post on NYC WEST Village, which is a dark shimmery blue - it can be opaque in 2 coats and dries very fast - too fast, but I like my polish's like that!!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Claire's Goldmine & exciting new frankens!!!!!

above - Claire's Goldmine, 2 coats layered over Billie Gold metallic w/ 2 coats of TC

But first frankens!!!!!!!I found a few bottles of NYC East village on sale a few months ago. I knew I would  be whipping up some frankens with them eventually. I finally got around to it this evening. Before I knew it it was 10:45, my whole evening spent franken-ing! All my frankens turned out as I envisioned they would. I am so excited to wear them.

 NYC East Village5 coats w/ TC = This polish is pretty layered over other polish's and it did dry fast..

NYC East Village is a ridiculously sheer teal shimmer. HERE is a previous post I did on this polish The only polish's I used for these frankens below were NYC West Village, a Black creme, a White creme and a shimmery sparkly Icing polish. These were very simple to make. taking your time, adding drop by drop for deep pigmented colours and taking notes is they way to go when frankening.

I will be doing individual posts on these starting tomorrow. Sorry about just bottle pic's and small swatches.... I had to post this asap, because using this for frankens worked out excellent - plus the labels peeled off more easily than any polish label I have come across!

( I picked these up for 72 cents each last Autumn)

and my frankens, with the OG at the end

.... and a few more photos of Claire's Goldmine, 2 coats w/ 2 coats of TC