
Friday, January 28, 2011

Another 'pounced' mani with short video/slideshow

here is a variation on my previous post - I don't like this as much as my last one........

It isnt hard to put together a slide-show like this, this is my first one = = = there was alot to learn. I hope to make a few more slide-shows like this, it is fun and I love all the effects that you can add. I wanted to add some vid's in the new year so here I am♥

For this 'pounced' mani, I used 3 frankens I made with WnW Blue Sapphire. The two light blue creme's I made by adding white to varying amount of Sapphire Blue, the darkest one was my base colour, and the lighter colour I used to create this effect ......and a jelly made with clear and Sapphire Blue.

This is easy to do, the biggest obstacle is not having too much polish on the brush when you 'pounce' it on the nail. It is alot less messy than water marbling or sponging = less clean up and more control of what amount of colour goes where.


  1. Wow this came out fantastic! What a gorgeous mani!

  2. I actually like this version better. You can see the effect better and it is so pretty!

  3. I really love the effect this creates. Thanks for the instructional video!

  4. Ooooo I love this. So easy. I may do this with some other colors. :)

  5. Love this effect. It looks like marble. I have to give it a try :)

  6. Amazing effect with my favorite colors... Thanks for the tutorial!

  7. this looks really good! like a cloud. i think i'm going to try this!

  8. Very good video tutorial and manicure is beautiful!

  9. o0o i like this one better! it looks so friggin cool. looks like soft puffy clouds. very nice!

  10. Thats soo cute i need to try looks like a little fluffy cloud :P

  11. This is soooo cool. I had to watch your video/read your instructions a few times..but now I'm really wanting to try it..I just don't know if I have the right colours..but I love yours!

  12. The video helps tremendously. Thanks so much. Can't imagine doing the pouncing would create such a fab look

  13. Beautiful! Thanks for the video. Really helped me see how to do it. Love this look. You are amazing!

  14. Wow!! These came out amazing! You have completely convinced me to try it.


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!