
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Icing Dark & Stormy, Bamboozled Again and a franken

Icing Dark & Stormy 2 coats w/ TC - ring nail Is Joe fresh Peacock (2 coats w/ TC)

wow this is beautiful! Why did I wait so long to wear this? This is a vibrant, shimmery peacock blue. I am wearing 2 coats but I had some bare spots due to a shoddy paint job, so next time it'll be 3 thin coats with TC.

I have Joe Fresh Peacock - which is supposed to be Similar to ChG Rodeo Fanatic, and I read somewhere that Icing Dark & Stormy is pretty close to ChG Rodeo Fanatic, =  this is a lemming fulfilled for me. Although I am very happy with the colours I HATE those Joe Fresh bottles and those brush handles ---ugh!  They have a tonne of beautiful polish colours that were just released but I cannot stand those brush handles !  ( Joe Fresh is a Canadian Brand available at Loblaws Stores in Canada )

EDIT: I don't hate them... I take that back, I suck at using those large knobby handles, those polish's have a great formula, most of them are opaque and apply very well, My rage comes from my inability to operate a nail polish brush. The new colours are all sooooo pretty, too!

I could not find any comparison photos to back that up - so if anyone has any photos of China Glaze Rodeo Fanatic and Icing Dark and Stormy side be side let me know♥.

My ring nail is 2 coats of Joe Fresh Peacock - the color is a tad darker than Icing Dark and Stormy. Peacock has some major purple flash to it, while Icing Dark & Stormy is a striking peacock blue with no flash just hypnotic shimmer.  The shimmer in Dark & Stormy reminds me of paint jobs on cars..... that really deep shimmer..... multi layers of shimmer.... shimmer...... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmeeeeerrrr

I finally caught the sun for some outdoor photos. I *need* to take sunshine pic's of beautiful polish such as this, with intense shimmer.

whoops! This is upside down... sorry!

Indoor Flo

R - L Dark & Stormy, Peacock

L - R Peacock, Dark & Stormy

Icing Bamboozled Again is a bright matte light green. This needs 3 coats but I only did 2 here with no TC. I have worn this polish on 2 other occasions but never took proper photos of it. (.....However I did find a swatch photo from a few months ago..... but I cannot find it on my blog, hmmmm)

I tried to copy Chloe's shredded funky french mani nails but mine did not turn out so well..... Here is a How To from her awesome blog

 I used a small piece of green painters tape and cut out a jagged edge

@ 1 coat of Wet n Wild Black Creme - best black polish EVER!!!!

I thought it would take forever to cut these out but it did not take long at all!

I used clear polish over the back jagged edge -  I used a thin coat of Clear polish and I totally fudged this mani up becuase I didn't wait for the black to fully dry. After that happened I didn't even bother with proper Top Coat, I was planning on doing crafty things soon after, and I knew my mani would be trashed anyhow, so I left it as is.

Next time I will make my jagged edge a bit more thicker, as the individual peaks and valleys are too thin.

Finally here is a franken I made with a sparkly sheer Icing mini polish. I don't feel as if I improved it much, but I do like that the base colour is not so light and silver-ish. The black sorta smothers the bright silver shimmer.  It was sunny outside when I painted my nails - I intentionally picked this polish to wear becuase I wanted to take photos with some sunshine = but the sky clouded over before I could get out.... DANG!

I used Starry Eyes from the Icing mini set and added a black creme and some clear polish.  This is 2 coats layered over black. The silver micro shimmer is less prominent and the teal and blue flecks appear more visible. So I didn't improve it alot, but I do like it alot better this way.....

I used a matte Top Coat on my Ring nail

Matte on the Right

Here is a skittles of all the original colours layered over black;

and the set of mini polish's from Icing stores


  1. i love icing dark and stormy especially when it is under the sun. it is so good to look at!

  2. That green is so perfect! It looks like plastic or rubber, I'm not sure.. But anyway it's very cool!

  3. I just loved the color! S2

  4. Love all those Icing polishes. I have the China Glaze polish. I haven't worn it yet. The shredded funky french reminds me of your Frankenstein manicure. You just needed the facial features.

  5. I have a China Glaze polish that I got from a roommate, it's label on the bottom has peeled off, but I believe it is Rodeo Fanatic, and I will post comparison pics with Joe Fresh - Peacock as soon as I have a camera again. :)

  6. Found my camera, quickie swatches posted :)

  7. Love the franken. I am amazed that the set of minis actually came with names!

  8. ♥ Cosmetics Aficionado - Thanks I love them too!

    ♥ Toesthattwinkle!- I know there are 3 very similar shades out there..... in North America= ChG Rodeo Fanatic, Joe Fresh Peacock and this one Icing Dark and Stormy.

    ♥ Buy WoW Warlock - I love this and I wore it for 3 days!

    ♥ Alice - Thanks it did have a rubber-ish finish

    ♥ Alice 2.2 - Thanks!

    ♥ Lucy - Thank-you!!! The funky french did look like that frankenstein hair-do

    ♥ Brynne - Thank you for posting that - I saw it first thing in the a.m. and was very happy - now i don't need to hunt around for the ChG.

    ♥ ABOP (laquerlove on MUA)- Thanks I love it too 0- I have worn it 3 times already!

  9. I really need to try more Icing polishes! I have a few that I really enjoy, but for some reason I haven't bought any for years because...well...I don't know. :)

  10. ♥ Zara =- I avoided them too becuase I purchased some that were ridiculously sheer, and I want..... no I demand that my polish's be opaque in three coats or less ( lol ). I wish they sent out their polish's to people like the Nail File or Scrangie to review, swatch and photograph, I would purchase waaaaaay more♥


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!