
Sunday, September 19, 2010

♥ Nail art stars with Pure Ice Rio and Nina Out of the Blue ♥

2 thin coats of Pure Ice Rio, Layered over Nina Ultra Pro Out Of The Blue, and a coat of Nailene TC.

Pure Ice Rio is a great polish...... I think it looks great over everything. On my ring nail are some fabulous stars from Fing'rs. Why am I finding it sooooo difficult to find THIN nail art things like this. They are always so thick and textured!

Here is two coats of Nina Ultra Pro Out of The Blue. I am in love with this formula It goes on smoothe and dries very fast - it is extremely pigmented and if I didn't have coffee jitters, I could have gotten away with 1 coat! I don't have many of this Nina brand but I hope the rest of their opaque cremes are just as good.

This polish is supposed to be a very, very close dupe to Chanel Blue Satin and Sally Hansen Salon Navy Baby.

{ no clean up for these photos - oops! }

This clear heart container of nail art is from Fing'rs brand and it came with a bunch of other really neat nail art items..... I'll have to hunt around the interwebz for a photos of the set it came in. These stars are beautiful, they are thin and easy to work with. They were easy to place on the nail, I used a piece of spaghetti ( try it - it works ) and just set them on top of a coat of clear polish. Then I applied the Pure Ice Rio over top......and of coats a coat of Nailene TC on my nails.

This heart thing, though, is the worst packaging idea EVER

- but some awesome pink crystals (real crystals) and some lovely thin opalescent stars!-

... another angle

with Pure Ice Rio layered over top


  1. omg! it's so pretty! love the glitters & stars touch. :)


  2. Wow, I really like this layering and the stars... So cute! :)

  3. I think the reason so many nail art things are so difficult to work with on the nail is because they're meant to be used with acrylics, meaning inside the nail, as opposed to on top of it. When used as an embedded element, they're not so difficult to work with, I think.

    Then again, I don't know for sure. I'd definitely be interested in knowing why, though! :D

    That look is absolutely gorgeous! I love the way the stars are iridescent! Then again, I'm a sucker for sparkle! And I never thought of using spaghetti to place my nail art bits!

  4. I love it! Very nice.

  5. Gorgeous manicure. Love that navy polish. The stars are really pretty.


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!