
Sunday, June 27, 2010

♥ Pink Holo Glitterpocalypse ♥

Pink holo glitterpocalypse.

So basically to do this, I just applied a clear coat of polish and sprinkled the holo glitter over it. Twice. I made sure to use a clear polish that I would not mind getting glitter into; becuase whenever I do a glitterpocalypse there is always glitter everywhere. I also layed out a piece of wax paper to catch all the glitter, and even vaccumed when my nails were fullly dry.

Back to the how to. I applied a coat of clear polish then sprinkled the glitter onto it, when it was beginning to dry I GENTLY used a soft fluffy make-up brush to press the pieces of glitter into the polish as well as to brush away glitter stuck to my fingertips and around my nails.. When that was dry, I applied another coat of clear polish, then sprinkled on some more glitter. I gently used the pad of my finger to squish the glitter into the drying polish before I applied a top coat. I ended up using 2 thick coats of Nailene Top Coat, and before I put the brush back in to the bottle= I wiped it off on the wax paper to ensure that no glitter particles made their way into the top coat bottle. Even though I have specially reserved this bottle of Top Coat for manis like this, I still made sure no glitter found it's way into the bottle.

So there were  many many coats of polish involved here. I applied this over a previous mani, becuase I was taking these false nails off shortly after this - and THERE IS NO FRIGGEN WAY I WOULD WRESTLE WITH THIS GLITTER TRYING TO REMOVE IT.

I don't think I would add this much embellishment to my nails and then try to remove it - whenever I wear a heavy glitter polish I try to coordinate it with the removal of my false nails..... and I hardly ever wear glitter on my toes anymore - even though I know you can do the tin foil thing. I am being alot kinder to my nails and cuticles!!!

So if your thinking about doing a mega glitter look like this - do it on false nails that will run their course and be easily removed  ( or you can gently remove them by soaking in water for a little while ) or snip them down and soak your nails in acetone. Just apply Vaseline or a barrier creme to your finger tips before either type or removal♥

Anyhoo- here is a few more photos - I am looking forward to using the deeper purple holographic glitter in this package. I  found this at Micheal's craft store ( on sale of course $1.39 ) just after Easter time.  I barely put a dent in the small package of pink glitter I used for this glitterpocalypse. I feel I get a better glitter pay-off by doing the sprinkle thing, than using an actual glitter polish.

painted nails waiting to get glitter-ed up


Hazy, not cloudy, Skies

Indoor flo

Shade with Flash

Shade with Flash



  1. This looks amazing! I will try this as well :)

  2. Oh God I LOVE this ! It's a great look, really ! I'll copy you one day, but I don't wear falsies, I can't imagine the mess to remove that xD

  3. Wow this looks amazing! I will be trying this very soon.
    And hey! I am another Canadian nail blogger! Check out mine, maybe you could follow me?


  4. Absolutely gorgeous! I was going to ask how you managed to remove all that glitter except you used falsies.

  5. That package of all those colors is CRAZY!!! I'm going to look and see if I can find anything like this even though it isn't Easter. But maybe they will have some for fall, or other holidays. Wow, Christmas could just blow me away!!!

    You did an outstanding job with this! The sparkle is divine. :)

    Here I am:

  6. Gorgeous! I'm going to have to try this soon.

  7. totally bling bling!!! love it!!

  8. I love your idea- I have to try it, looks like fun ;)

  9. This glitter looks so awesome! Its such a good idea. And the colour is gorgeous!
    My blog is from New Zealand at

  10. I just awarded you with a blog award!

    xxxx - Dolly

  11. Oh my god that is a thing of absolute beauty!!! I love it! I am now following your blog :)

  12. This is the most prettiest nail art I've ever seen. Its soooo pretty!!!!!! OMG!!! lol i saw the pic and i was like OMG!!

  13. I sound like a total dumb ass saying this, but it fits my initial reaction. OMG! Haha, this is awesome. I would so copy this if I had the balls to remove that glitter. Maybe someday.


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!