
Saturday, May 16, 2009

~♥~ Mabelline - 'Matte Red' ~♥~

~ Sunshine ~

Here is another polish form my latest bargain haul... Maybelline 'Matte Red'. this is a very pretty color and looked beautiful matte and with a shiny TC. It dried super-duper fast. These matte's I have found dry so fast and the brush handle is so thick that make my polish has a lumpy application. But they are very pretty and only 1-2 dollars. The China Glaze 'Fast Forward ' top coat is really good, it really does dry fast ( did not think it would) and is really, really shiny.

It is Saturday night and I am ready for some chips & dip and hangin out with my DH... Have a great weekend!

~ Shade ~

~ Shade ~

I have used CG 'Sexy in the City' as a prop, because I have not done a Mani with it yet..... so this is a little reminder to get on it.... I really wanted this one, too. yet it sits in my little area of 'un-worns'( shame on me )

~ These next  photo is with 1 coat of China Glaze 'Fast Forward' Top Coat in the sun ~

~ 2 coats of Matte Red  no Top Coat ~



  1. That matte is fantastic! I would scream if I ever found that, right in the store :) I love the old Maybelline mattes and am always looking for more. Thanks for sharing. It's so pretty matte but you're right, beautiful with the top coat also.

  2. I agree with Mary this is amazing! If I found this at the store I would just die from Happiness!

  3. Cool color! I also like the storage idea,using the tomatoe crates!

  4. Those mattes you got are awesome, They are so unique and have such a pretty colors ! This red is totally cool, I really like its shade.

  5. Wow, really really like this red, looks amazing.

  6. Thank you for the lovely comments everyone. My camera battery faded just as I finished my outside pictures, so I only got 1 indoor picture, and that is not a good representation of the 'real' color (but still very pretty).

    I have only found 2 mattes at that rad store in my town, the other one is a little on the pink side and I will be wearing & blogging in a week or so.

    Mary ~ I always freak out when I find stuff like this... in this case when i found this polish display, I was standing there shaking up dozens of old bottles an holding them up to the light.....they actually sent a cashier over to check me out.. I guess I looked shady? We ended up talking and she told me about when stuff comes in etc... so I know when to be waiting for my next big SCORE!

    The funny thing about this polish, is I really only bought it for the matte factor, but I am happy with this now - I loved the color when I put it on, and when I added the shiny TC ..... I cant stop staring at it.....

    I am sorry I added the TC because I need more indoor pic's - but I am doing a trial & testng of how well this China Glaze TC holds up.

    Kitty ~ finding that polish stash at the store made my week! I am sad they will soon be sold out!

    Velvet ~ I have seriously gone through like 4 different types of storage things all ready..... so until I get my HELMER I am a happy girl with this. I know it looks really, really, home made but it is serving me well!

    tuli ~ I did'nt think matte red would look cool or pretty, I just bought it 'because'..... now I think it is soooo cool and is unique pretty red color

    clockwork ~ Thanks, it really is very pretty I wish I found more.... But that's my problem... I keep buying... at least they are in-expensive!

  7. This is SUCH a pretty color! I will have to keep my eye out, there's always stuff like that hanging around Walmart and KMart, maybe I'll come across it. My next project is trying to work out a storage like one you detailed in the last post - that would be so handy for me.
    You know, I looked at that Sexy In the City last time I was at Sally's - I think I'm gonna get it!

  8. I so want this Red and also there's an olive matte. They are such gorgeous colors. You have beautiful nails.

  9. I love the last few pics with the top coat - you know how I love my shiny!!


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!