
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

~♥~ Billie "Purple Haze" ~♥~

I scored these at the .99 cent store, and go back there every 2 or 3 days just to see if they got a shipment of nail goodies in. This polish dries ridiculously fast, so fast that before I even finish polishing each individual nail, it is beginning to dry, giving me smudge marks.... I hope to goodness that that store keeps getting this brand of polish, it's the same place I scored all my awesome Sally Hansen Nail Prism's....
This color 'Purple Haze", is a MATTE magenta, or neon purple, depending on the lighting, My best offering is that, when in - indoor lighting, it looks like these rad sneakers.

My outdoor photo's washed the color out a little, but I took a million outdoor pictures because it was soooo nice out this morning, spring is in the air, the birds were chirping and it smells so pretty outside, I need to get my 'out-door' time in, because soon our town will be swarming with miskeetoe's....



It has taken alot out of me to be wearing a Matte shade of polish - I want to add a nice shiny top coat to this, or even some glitter, I am starting to like this finish.... just a little. I think that for the rest of the week I will wear the other neon .99 cent store polishes that I got when I bought this one..... A neon theme week.


  1. are those your totally rad sneaks??? lol

    Looks like a cool color, did it dry matte? It kind of has a matte look to it in some of the pics.

    I have never seen this brand before at my dollar trees.

  2. Yepers, it is a Matte color, no those awesome shoes are not mine, they are pretty over the top though!

  3. I love that! I always have to shine up my mattes with a shiny top coat but all of my matte's are either black or white. I'd love to have some in 'colors' as I may not be as tempted to shine it up!

  4. Wow! Love Purple haze the polish and the Jimi Hendrix song. Those sneakers are fantastic too. Never heard or have seen this brand till you showed it. Very nice.


Hey There ~ even though I don't always comment, I do read everyone's nail/beauty blogs when they post. So, if you are a blogger, I thank you for sharing all your information - your photo's - your expertize - and your experience! I appreciate it. keep up all your good work!